Blogs | Watermetrics

A world-class data collection and presentation system

Written by Watermetrics | August 31, 2022

Gold Standard Service

Did you know that as a Watermetrics customer, you are already part of a world-class data collection and presentation system?

Watermetrics is a subsidiary of a large, New Zealand-owned company A D Riley and Co Ltd. This provides strong ownership and capital base, with a commitment to investing in your, and our future. We have been in the agribusiness space for 22 years, giving us serious depth of talent from technicians, IT professionals, agronomy team and connections to the best technology.

So should someone come up your drive and wax lyrical about how much better they can do, it would be wise to really consider .... can they?

  • Are they selling low-end, unreliable equipment that will not last long?
  • Do they service as well as they say they will?
  • Do they have any depth of experience in reporting and handling your consent issues?
  • Are their fees transparent and competitive?
  • Do they use third-party data management?
  • If something went wrong are they big enough to deliver?

Changing providers will mean you can lose valuable data for a season.

The Watermetrics system is the gold standard of service in this advancing technical age. Many of our customers talk about the benefits they get from the convenience and efficiency of having all their information in a single source of truth, readily available, and how simple it is to use and understand.

Make contact and discuss your requirements. We can design something especially for you and get you in the best position to go forward.

At Watermetrics we:

  • Sell, install, and service quality industry-standard water meters.
  • Complement those water meters with soil moisture probes and climate stations.
  • Use top-of-the-range telemetry that gives accurate 15-minute data.
  • Meet Resource Consent reporting and Farm Environmental audit requirements through our high quality data. We have been doing this since 2011 and know how to do it properly.
  • Notify you with alerts to let you know when you have urgent or important action to take.
  • Provide an easy-to-use platform for water management decisions.
  • Have next-level technology to manage with phone app controls, the ability to calculate irrigations, and remote use of your equipment.
  • Have advanced qualifications within our service team to install and maintain our equipment.
  • Provide a national meter verification service.
  • Manage our own data in-house.
  • Handle water delivery to large schemes.

Contact us for more.